Karla Garcia
Administrative Assistant

How long have you been with Perfect Balance Accounting?
I’ve been with Perfect Balance Accounting since the beginning of August 2024!

How many years of experience do you have in this field/position?
I have 4+ years in an administrative position and was recently introduced to bookkeeping but have a three-year background in the billing department/field.

What other types of jobs have you had?
I’ve had quite a few in different job fields! My first job was as a Pharmacy Technician up until I joined the Army and was in the Information Technology field. I then worked in the Billing Department for a small company. From there I joined the Construction Field and now I’m at Perfect Balance Accounting!

Family? Ages and names?
My fiancé and I have a black cat named Lala and are looking to add a new furry addition to our little family.

What are some of your hobbies?
I’m a foodie! I love finding new food places, going sightseeing, and traveling whether it be a long trip or a short weekend trip.

What town do you live in? How long? Where else have you lived?
I currently live in Franksville and moved here at the end of July 2024. I’m from California and have lived there all my life.

Do you have a long-term goal?
I want to eventually settle into more of a managerial position, retire at an early age, and live out the rest of my life traveling with my now fiancé.

Meet the rest of the staff!

Laura DeGroot, Owner
Diane Hessenius, Senior Tax Preparer
Tammy Wishau, Lead Accountant
Nickolas Kaminski, Accountant
Julie Rodriguez, Bookkeeper