Cloud computing is a growing aspect of running any business. The practice of cloud computing is the ability to store and deliver services through the internet. These services can include data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software. Cloud-based storage is growing in popularity due to the ability to store and retrieve files from remote databases.

Infrastructure Options

There are typically three infrastructure options:

  • Platform as a service (PaaS): This is complete cloud computing model which offers hardware, software, and infrastructure services.
  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS): This is a collection of computing, storing, and networking resources.
  • Software as a service (SaaS): With this infrastructure you access the software online, rather than as a download, and use it on your local machine.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

There are a multitude of perks that come with cloud computing. If you have used any type of cloud service, it is likely that you are already aware of some of the perks. Below are some of the top reasons to go with cloud computing for your business.

  • Secure data: Higher security clearances than storing data in-house. Cloud providers offer security details such as authentication, encryption, and permissions. You have the ability to decide who has access to what data, and your provider can help you manage and safeguard.
  • Potential to save money: Costs less to store on the cloud than to buy, store, and maintain your own servers. Software, upgrades, and licenses can be pricey, but with the cloud you don’t need to worry about these costs.
  • Efficiency: Less IT on staff, means less on payroll. This also means that training decreases as does server upkeep.
  • Room to grow: You have the ability to scale your data needs as you see fit. You can easily upgrade, or downgrade, as needed.
  • Emergency recovery: Multiple copies and backups are made of your data. So, in the unfortunate event of a power outage, no data is lost.
  • Edge over the competition: Many companies haven’t switched to cloud computing yet. This will give your company an advantage.
  • Control: Ability to control who has access to what data, and who is looking at data regularly. You have the ability to set permissions for each individual, as well as request reports to ensure confidentiality.
  • Innovation & Insight: Cloud computing can help you track industry trends. You can also store, analyze, and mine all of the data sent back and forth from your cloud provider to your in-house machines.
  • Team building & collaboration: Your team will have the ability to share information from any location. This will improve collaboration between employees, who may be across the globe!
  • Timely software updates: Automatic software updates, often with little to no interruption!
  • Sustainability: Reducing your energy bill is good for the environment. Using cloud computing can also reduce your remote team’s transportation time and waste, as well as the amount of physical products you may use daily.

No matter what business you are in, cloud computing is the future. It is worth investigating to see how cloud computing can help your company save!